

Raid ID solutions2009/2/18 9:27:06

What to do about uncooperative raid IDs? "Ummm! Raid IDs aren't a problem as such,"
claimed rosencratz. "In fact, they're great; they're not a Blizz conspiracy.
They exist so we can run a raid, kill a few bosses, wipe on one of them until
raid time ends and try again the next day without having to restart from scratch.

"So what about adding manual resets into the mix as well? Well firstly, who
controls the manual reset? Only the raid leader? Everyone in the raid? Potentially
giving everyone or only one the power to make or break 25 peoples' raiding.
It's an odd concept, and it makes sense that resets have prefixed times.

"The way I looked at it, you either need it for the achievement or you don't need
it at all. I was the first person to roll, so everyone had a chance to see what I did.
The second person also rolled Need, the third person rolled Greed (about 5 seconds after
my original roll) and the other two passed. One of the guys that passed laid into me
("You DON'T roll Need on achievement items.") I told him my thoughts on it, and he basically
dropped it."

"So what about getting saved to raids? Well this is the real problem for the majority of people
in the raid. It makes sense that Blizz would try to fix this rather than remove resets.
(I guess you guys forget that not everyone clears all raiding content in a single night.)

Shaking off whatever feelings of mystical terror you have from your encounter with the strange
voice, you are reassured that things will eventually return to normal. After all, similar Tuesdays
have came and went without much hassle. Except for that one time, when the blasted wizards of the
floating city misplaced all the mail in the known worlds. But that was just a single incident, and
surely couldn't be repeated again.
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